Thursday, August 28, 2014
Worst Mall Commercial Ever!
I'm sure they intended this to be pretty awful....and believe us it is! This is an ad for East Hills Mall in St. Joseph, MO.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
9 Reasons A Dog Is Really A Man's Best Friend!
OK, this one is mostly for the guys, but the girls will get a kick out of it as well: 9 Reasons A Dog Is Really A Man's Best Friend! (Warning! There's a little "adult" language in this article!)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Awesome New Video From Reba McEntire!
You've got to take a look a this new video from Reba McEntire, "Pray For Peace"
Post by Reba McEntire.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Sadness In Ireland
There are lots of broken hearts in Ireland today. Garth Brooks has officially cancelled his concert stint set for Dublin. After the final decision was made by the Irish government that Garth Brooks' five sold out shows in Dublin scheduled for the end of this month could not go on, Garth released this statement through his Los Angeles based publicist:
"I have always been advised to NEVER send a message in "the moment." It is said it is best to take a walk, wait awhile, and think about it. With that said, I just received the news the Dublin City Council cannot change their earlier ruling to not allow the licenses for all five shows. To say I am crushed is an understatement. All I see is my mother’s face and I hear her voice. She always said things happen for a reason and for the right reason. As hard as I try, I cannot see the light on this one. So it is with a broken heart, I announce the ticket refunds for the event will go as posted by TicketMaster.
I want to thank the Irish authorities for going the distance for all of us who wanted to share songs and dance together. I really want to thank all the people around the world that continued to think good thoughts that this would actually happen. Most of all, to Peter Aiken and those 400,000 people who believed enough to go through what they have been through to get to this point…I love you, always have, always will. I encourage any and all of them that can come see the show, at some point around the world, to bring your Irish flags and wave them proudly at the concerts. I will be looking for you… Garth."
"I have always been advised to NEVER send a message in "the moment." It is said it is best to take a walk, wait awhile, and think about it. With that said, I just received the news the Dublin City Council cannot change their earlier ruling to not allow the licenses for all five shows. To say I am crushed is an understatement. All I see is my mother’s face and I hear her voice. She always said things happen for a reason and for the right reason. As hard as I try, I cannot see the light on this one. So it is with a broken heart, I announce the ticket refunds for the event will go as posted by TicketMaster.
I want to thank the Irish authorities for going the distance for all of us who wanted to share songs and dance together. I really want to thank all the people around the world that continued to think good thoughts that this would actually happen. Most of all, to Peter Aiken and those 400,000 people who believed enough to go through what they have been through to get to this point…I love you, always have, always will. I encourage any and all of them that can come see the show, at some point around the world, to bring your Irish flags and wave them proudly at the concerts. I will be looking for you… Garth."
The good news is that he wil be touring the United States. Although we don't know when, we do know the first stop will be Chicago. More details will reportedly be released today on the date and venue, and KICKS 106.3 will have the info as soon as it's released!
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Before and After
John here-- Thought I'd share the before and after photos of the trees we had removed form our yard yesterday. Both of the twin maples in front of our house had started to split and lose limbs in the storms that have been rolling through the area the last few weeks, and they were just not safe anymore. We had to do it, but it just made us sick to see these beautiful trees come down. They were especially awesome in the fall when they would turn bright red. Now the planning begins for what we should replace them with! Any ideas? Drop me an email:
Thursday, July 3, 2014
End of the Road
Usually, news of celebrity divorces doesn't register much of a blip on my radar. It's become commonplace, to be perfectly honest, however this latest news of a split seemingly came out of nowhere. Singer, Jewel and her championship cowboy, Ty Murray are calling it quits.
According to a post on the singer's website, the couple has been quietly trying to find reconciliation, but have decided to go ahead with a divorce. It's really quite interesting reading. There are some undertones that are reminiscent of Gwyneth Paltrow's referencing of an "uncoupling" with her marriage to Coldplay lead singer, Chris Martin. I found the term to be a bit ridiculous. The way that Jewel wrote about her and Ty coming to the conclusion is in that similar vein, but not as cheesy to me for some reason; probably because she actually wrote more to explain why things are going down the way they are.
Either way, divorce sucks--particularly when there are children involved. (Jewel and Ty have a little boy, Kase.) I often wondered how hard it is to hold a family together when both parents have careers that thrust them into the spotlight and eat so much of their time. It can't be easy. You almost always have to be "on," because there are fans who expect you to be that bubbly person all of the time, and you really don't have much for privacy to work "normal" challenges out with each other. It takes a special understanding to work through problems in the public eye. Not every celebrity couple can climb that mountain and come down the other side intact.
It does make one stop and appreciate the love and understanding that celebrity couples who HAVE successfully weathered the storms of life and kept their ship righted and moving ahead in life. Couples like Tim McGraw and Faith Hill come to mind. There have been rumors swirling for years that they were on the outs. And perhaps they were having challenges, as ANY married couple does, but they are seemingly holding it together. It makes me have an even greater appreciation for them both. And it certainly allows each of them to bring real emotion to their craft. Marriage and family provides plenty of material for music. Not that we'd want to be hearing any songs about dirty diapers on the airwaves, but without a doubt, relationships--the good, the bad, and the ugly provide a plethora of material for music.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Sometimes Random Stupid Stuff Is Just fun!
I ran across this tidbit of info this morning and thought I'd share it with you: A group of hyenas is called a "cackle". You'd have thought a group of hens would be called a cackle, right? I'd call a group of hyenas a "laugh" of hyenas, since that's what they sound like. Or maybe a "guffaw" of hyenas? Ok, random info, I know. That's all I got today!
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Talk About A Tummy Tuck!
Cops in Greenville, North Carolina, say a 315-pound drug suspect hid a cache of narcotics in his....belly button! A month-long investigation into a heroin-selling operation culminated in a May 29 traffic stop for Randall Streeter and his passenger Marshall Wayne Wilson. Streeter, from whom undercover officers had allegedly bought heroin in the past, was found to have secreted 40 bags of heroin, crack, and Percocet pills in his navel, according to the cops. Additionally, agents allegedly found 150 bags of heroin and $1,200 in Streeter's vehicle. Both Streeter and his passenger Wilson were slapped with numerous heroin trafficking charges. Obviously, he had an "inny" and not an "outie"!
Thursday, June 5, 2014
So What Do You See?
A while back we told you about a waitress who saw the face of Jesus in a pancake. Today it's apiece of machinery!A man from Jackson County, Mississippi made a miraculous discovery at his local junkyard: an old air conditioner that bears what he says is the face of Jesus. Christopher Goldsberry purchased the unit for just $10. He admits that not everybody can see what he says looks like the face of Christ, including his junk seller pal. "The gentleman I purchased it from didn't see any of it. Think about it. They don't recognize what it is. Some people see it, some people don't. Think about that." OK, take a look and tell me what you think? Does it look like Jesus to you?
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
We Men Knew It All Along!
Yes, we did! Researchers at the University of Illinois and Arizona State University say death tolls with hurricanes that have been given female names have been greater than those that have been given male names. The researchers looked at death tolls from hurricanes going back to 1950 through 2012 and discovered that in the case of the 47 most severe storms, far more people on average died from hurricanes named after women (45) than from those with male names (23). The difference in fatalities also widens when strongly masculine names are compared to those regarded as strongly female. So what accounts for this disparity? The simple answer is that since people aren't as intimidated by female-named hurricanes, they don't take the same precautions. As co-author Sharon Shavitt of the University of Illinois explains, the findings suggest "implicit sexism." In other words, we don't even realize we're less fearful of a Mary than a Mark. While the study is pretty astounding, there's been no serious talk yet of changing the hurricane-naming system. You know, I had about a half-dozen smart remarks about this, but every one of them would get me in trouble! ~John
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Where Are You Headed This Summer?
About nine out of ten Americans plan to take a summer vacation this year, according to a TripAdvisor survey of more than 2,500 travelers, about two-thirds of whom plan to travel domestically. We all know the Wisconsin Dells is one of the most popular summertime destinations in the Midwest, if not the whole country. But there's a lot to choose from! Here's what people will be doing and where they'll be going:
Most Popular Types of Summer Vacations
1. Beach / Ocean escape - 45 percent
2. City vacation - 42 percent
3. National park visit - 21 percent
Top Summer Activities
1. Shopping - 54 percent
2. Swimming/Water sports - 49 percent
3. Visiting a historical site or event - 49 percent
Top U.S. Destinations
1. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
2. Las Vegas, Nevada
3. New York City, New York
4. Destin, Florida
5. Ocean City, Maryland
Most Popular Types of Summer Vacations
1. Beach / Ocean escape - 45 percent
2. City vacation - 42 percent
3. National park visit - 21 percent
Top Summer Activities
1. Shopping - 54 percent
2. Swimming/Water sports - 49 percent
3. Visiting a historical site or event - 49 percent
Top U.S. Destinations
1. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
2. Las Vegas, Nevada
3. New York City, New York
4. Destin, Florida
5. Ocean City, Maryland
Monday, June 2, 2014
Everything's Just Ducky At Shopko
Here's your "awww" story and photos for the day! Deb and I stopped at Shopko in Bridgeview Plaza late yesterday to do some shopping in the outdoor gardening area. There we found the store's staff caring for a mother duck who had made a nest in one of their plant displays.
Her ducklings had just hatched Saturday, and the staff was concerned because one of the little darlings had fallen off the stand, so they were devising a plan to move the whole thing to ground level. Deb and I were only too happy to help, so we all lifted the boards, plant containers and ducks to the ground.
Mama seemed a little disconcerted, so she decided to take her flock for a walk.
Her ducklings had just hatched Saturday, and the staff was concerned because one of the little darlings had fallen off the stand, so they were devising a plan to move the whole thing to ground level. Deb and I were only too happy to help, so we all lifted the boards, plant containers and ducks to the ground.
Mama seemed a little disconcerted, so she decided to take her flock for a walk.
The Shopko folks said they would care for Mama duck and her brood until they were ready to head for the Black River, at which time they would help escort them safely across Rose Street. Well done, Shopko!
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Man Tries To Sell The Word "The" On Ebay
You gotta love Ebay. Anything you want you can find there. Including the word "the". Yep, an Australian man was selling the word 'the' written on a piece of paper on eBay. The bidding reached over $10,000 before eBay pulled the listing. The enterprising seller, who goes by the username 'sweatyman' has listed the item's condition as "very good" adding that the word is "ideal for any situation". No, there's nothing special about it. It's not an ancient piece of text, or written by someone famous. Just a piece of paper with the word "the" written on it. In the item's description, 'sweatyman' writes that the item is: "Handwritten with blue ballpoint pen, on a torn piece of Reflex A4 paper, this versatile word can be used in literally thousands of sentences. For example: 'The dogs have escaped again'; 'I will buy some meat from the local deli.'; What's the time?" I imagine he did it to see if anyone would actually bid on it, which many did. More power to him, I say!
Friday, May 23, 2014
Wanted: Panda Nannies!
As the old saying goes, choose a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life. And this could be the greatest job in the world: Panda Nannie! China's Giant Panda Protection and Research Center is now recruiting caretakers whose main duties will be to hang out with panda cubs and love them and cuddle them. These so-called panda nannies will earn $32,000 a year and will receive free meals and accommodations. Find out more here.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Isn't This Going A Bit Too Far?
It's graduation time again, and one of the traditional events surrounding the end of the school year is the Honors ceremonies. These ceremonies celebrate the achievements of students throughout the school year, but check this out: A Connecticut middle school is receiving criticism for its decision to cancel "Honors Night" so as not to offend those who haven't achieved them. According to the East Greenwich Patch, officials at Archie R. Cole Middle School pulled the plug on the event because, "Members of the school community have long expressed concerns related to the exclusive nature" of highlighting the hard work of the school's best and brightest. Instead, the good students will be highlighted in "team-based ceremonies" that will, "celebrate the individual and collective success of all students and their effort, progress and excellence.” The nature of the change didn't sit well with many, judging by the reactions the story has gathered online. "And all sporting competitions should end in a tie," griped one. "Life ain't fair either. What're you going to do about that?" vented another. Isn't this going too far in the politically correct department? These kids deserve the accolades of doing well in their studies, don't they? Or should we more sensitive to kids who don't "win"?
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow?
So how would you interpret this? OWN (Oprah's network) said Friday that it has postponed its docu-series on Michael Sam, the first openly-gay football player to be selected in the NFL draft. In a statement obtained by ESPN, OWN president Erik Logan said that after discussion with the team that drafted Sam, the St. Louis Rams, the project was postponed in order to allow Sam the "best opportunity to achieve his dreams of making the team". Does that translate as, "We'll see if he makes the cut, cause if he doesn't nobody's gonna care about him anymore"? Hmmm.
Monday, May 19, 2014
So How Old Do You Think This Woman Is?

She's actually 34 years old! This Texas woman was arrested last week after it was revealed she successfully pretended to be a high school sophomore for an entire year. It's not clear why Charity Anne Johnson allegedly enrolled at the New Life Christian School in October as 15-year-old Charity Stevens. Tamica Lincoln, 30, told ABC News she had taken Johnson in after she claimed to have been an orphaned teen. "She acted like a kid. She did her homework. She got good report cards," said Lincoln, who met Johnson at their place of employ, McDonald's. "I allowed her to come into my house. I was just trying to be nice and kindhearted and get her out of the situation she was in." Principal Stuart Newlin was apparently fooled in part because Johnson claimed she'd been homeschooled and didn't have any school records. "Everyone we talked to assumed she was a teenager like she said she was, because she looked like one. She had friends," he said. "Everybody liked her." Johnson's story began to unravel when Lincoln got a phone call from a woman who ran a group for needy children that the suspect tried to join. Suspicious, Lincoln had their manager run a background check that revealed -- incorrectly -- that Johnson was 31. Johnson was charged with failure to show identification, and still is behind bars at Gregg County Jail on a $500 bond. What do you think, Would she have fooled you?
Friday, May 16, 2014
Here's A Friday "Idiots On Parade"!
A Catskill, NY man has been charged with endangering the welfare of a child after allegedly driving a lawn tractor under the influence with his two young children on board. The man, Stephen W. Baran, 41, of Catskill, was arrested by the New York State Police at Catskill on Monday and charged with endangering the welfare of a child, a class A misdemeanor, according to police. Troopers report that Baran had allegedly consumed a quantity of alcohol and then drove his lawn tractor to a bar with his 6-year-old and 7-year-old children sitting on his lap. Baran was processed at the State Police at Catskill, and issued an appearance ticket returnable before the Town of Catskill Court at a later date. Being stupid by yourself is one thing, but being an idiot with your kids???
The Government Wants Your Baby's DNA
Did you know that the state of Minnesota can take and retain DNA samples of all newborn babies for genetic research without parent consent? It's true. Governor Mark Dayton has signed a bill to eliminate genetic privacy after newborn screening. Selling is prohibited, but no provisions are made for giving it away, so Minnesota may now be the go-to state for free baby DNA.
Unless you break the law, the state cannot take your vehicle from you, without your consent, but in Minnesota, they can take and use your baby's DNA without consent. Parents can opt out, but most people don't even know the DNA is being taken. Seven other states keep Baby DNA forever. How would you feel about the government taking your baby's DNA and using it? Drop us an email.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Holy Sneak Peek!
Zack Snyder, the director of the tentatively titled Batman Vs. Superman movie has tweeted the first photo of Ben Affleck as the new Batman, standing next to the latest Batmobile. The new Batman suit is dark -- though unlike others seen in previous films appears to be grey with black accents -- and thanks to its musculature, Affleck looks huge in it. The Bat symbol on his chest is dark colored, and also large, while his "bat ears" are small -- a throwback to comic legend Frank Miller's take on the Caped Crusader in his classic graphic novel The Dark Knight Returns. The Batmobile is also a mix of previous Batmobile models and the newer "Tumbler" vehicle Christian Bale used in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy. The sneak peek of Affleck's Batman and his ride comes after Snyder teased fans Monday with a partial reveal of a mostly tarp-covered Batmobile via a Twitter post. "Could be time to pull the tarp…Tomorrow?" Snyder captioned the pic, which was shot in a warehouse. The sequel to Man of Steel stars Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, and Laurence Fishburne, among others. It hits theaters on May 6, 2016. Are you still a fan of the Batman series after all these years?
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Today's "Idiots On Parade"!
Police in Kentucky returned a lost cellphone to its owner and placed him in cuffs after seeing the phone's wallpaper pic of the man with a massive stash of weed. Cops showed up to the residence of 23-year-old Tyler Sanderson on Friday, a day after the phone came into their possession. "The individual gave consent to search the residence there, and there was 18 pounds of marijuana we were able to seize because of that," Franklin County Sheriff Pat Melton told ABC News. "The average guy you might see a quarter-pound, maybe a half-pound, maybe even a pound. You don't see a lot. To see 18 pounds of it, that's a good lick. That's neat."
Sanderson was arrested on the spot and charged with trafficking marijuana over five pounds as well as possession of drug paraphernalia. An anonymous individual found the phone with the incriminating pic and left it on the vehicle of School Resource Deputy Montey Chappell in Frankfort, Kentucky, last Thursday. The deputy then turned over the phone to Franklin County Sheriff's Office Deputy Jeff Farmer, who tracked down the phone's owner. The marijuana is worth approximately $50,000, Melton said. Sanderson remains behind bars at the Franklin County Regional Jail under $10,000 bond. Ya know, when you put an incriminating photo like that on your phone for all the world to see, it's like saying, "Hey, somebody call the cops and tell 'em what I'm up to!"
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Beware This Facebook Scam!
Monday, May 12, 2014
Did You See This!?!
Did you see this amazing video? A dashboard camera captured the moment an Iowa cop almost died last week when a large oak tree randomly cracked and slammed directly into an SUV he was ticketing. Jeremy Veach was talking to the driver, who had neglected to put her headlights on, when the 30-foot tree cracked and fell, totaling the car and slamming Veach to the ground. There was no wind in the area that night and the owners of the tree said they had no idea it had rotted because it "appeared healthy" and continued to sprout green leaves each season. Veach and the driver walked away without major injures. The SUV, which Veach was able to duck behind, bore the brunt of the damage.
Friday, May 9, 2014
No Need to Prolong the Pain
So, the NFL draft has started. I know a lot of football fanatics who were glued to their televisions to watch a bunch of suits make labored decisions over what fresh college meat they wanted to fill in the gaps of their teams.
I am not one of those people. Don't get me wrong, I'm intrigued by the "meat," but I'd rather hear about it afterwards, rather than watch it live. This strikes me as being worse than watching champion chess matches on TV. I have a hard time getting jacked up over college players making the transition to pro football anyway, mostly because it doesn't always deliver the big build-up we are subjected to for weeks and months leading up to the actual season.
As a Minnesota Viking fan, this time of the season is most painful. Our owners and management rarely breathe hope or life into the team, but I have to admit when I heard they actually drafted a quarterback, I did perk up a bit. Previously, that position has been the equivalent of my arrival to work each morning. Unpredictable. Sure, I get into the studios each morning before 6am, but it could be anytime between 5am and 5:30ish. Yes, I said "ish." My clock might be fast, for all I know.
Christian Ponder, while he has fabulous hair, has not been reliable for the Vikings. Adrian Peterson has fulfilled that role pretty easily, but his age and his increasing salary over the next several years will eventually become a situation to be reckoned with, or be hurt by it.
At any rate, the first draft pick for the Vikings was a quarterback--Teddy Bridgewater. While I'm pleased as punch that they selected a QB, you won't ever hear me waxing poetic about any draft picks. Why? Because nothing is guaranteed. Fantasizing about the "what if's" and getting one's hopes up over a draft pick is flat out ludicrous. The move from college football to pro, is much like the move from high school studies to college. There's a pretty big learning curve, coupled with high expectations.
I'm not trying to be a negasaurus--just a realist. NOBODY knows what the 2014 NFL season will bring--except some chuckles. I mean the jokes are already writing themselves for the Green Bay Packer draft pick, Haha Clinton-Dix. This one might surpass the knee-slapping fun provided for sportscasters by the moniker of Wisconsin's racing legend, Dick Trickle. Apparently Wisconsin is on it's way to going to go down in history as the home for sports figure names that easily elicit the laughs.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Today's Idiots On Parade
Today's "Idiots On Parade" tale takes us to Illinois, where a man who was fired from his job at a stone milling company a few weeks ago allegedly returned to the company drunk last week, and stole a forklift for his new employer. According to the Herald News, his former boss spotted Javier Villasenor-Arreola allegedly swiping the forklift and using it as a getaway vehicle. Will County Sheriff's spokeswoman Kathy Hoffmeyer reports Villasenor-Arreola was stopped after a very slow-speed chase, and was arrested. Hoffmeyer said the suspect explained, "He had a new job 15 minutes away and that's where he was taking the forklift." Villasenor-Arreola was slapped with multiple charges, including burglary, vandalism, DUI, and driving an unregistered vehicle on a roadway.
Monday, May 5, 2014
It's All In How You Look At It!
So what do you see in this picture of a pancake? Well, a waitress at the Cowgirl Café in Norco, California says she found the face of Jesus on the pancake; on none other than the Catholic holiday Good Friday. The restaurant's owner Karen Hendrickson explained what the flapjack looked like. Hendrickson said, "He’s got a mustache and a beard, and it looks like he's got a receding hairline here" She added, "I said, 'Dear God, please just continue to look over the Cowgirl Café.'" The very next day, she says she was staring into the face of Jesus, on a breakfast platter. However, she says that not everyone is a believer. She shared, "Some people are saying it looks like Abraham Lincoln or a hillbilly. Some people are even saying it looks like Charles Manson." For now, she's preserving the pancake in her restaurant's freezer. So what do you see? Jesus? Abraham Lincoln? Drop us an email and tell us:
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
I Knew It All Along!
Star Wars fans shouldn't have been surprised at yesterday's announcement, but it was still cool to hear what everyone knew was coming: The cast for the upcoming Star Wars film, Episode VII, has finally been released, and several stars from the original movies are returning for the upcoming film. Original Star Wars actors Mark Hamill,Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher -- who played Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia, respectively -- are back on board, as is Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca, Anthony Daniels as C-3PO, and Kenny Baker as R2-D2.
Cast photo from the new Star Wars film.
In addition, the cast includes Max von Sydow, Lord of the Rings motion-capture star Andy Serkis, Girls star Adam Driver, and Inside Llewyn Davis star Oscar Isaac, as well as Domhnall Gleeson, whom you may know better as Ron Weasley's brother, Bill, from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 & 2. John Boyega, who appeared in the 2011 British sci-fi flick Attack the Block, and Daisy Ridley, who's appeared in the British TV series Mr. Selfridge, complete the cast. In a statement, director J.J. Abrams says, "It is both thrilling and surreal to watch the beloved original cast and these brilliant new performers come together to bring this world to life, once again. We start shooting in a couple of weeks, and everyone is doing their best to make the fans proud." The movie is currently slated to hit theaters December 18, 2015. May the Force be with you!
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Amazing Rubik's Cube Video
This video will absolutely amaze you! A 15-year-old boy from a small town outside of Ottawa, Ontario, set the world record for solving Rubik's Cubes using only one hand! Antoine Cantin averaged 12.56 seconds at the competition. Cantin solved five Rubik's Cubes, and the average was calculated after eliminating the fastest and slowest times.
Friday, April 25, 2014
It's the latest way to get high: Apparently teens are using Burt’s Bees to get a buzz! Kids are rubbing Burt’s Bees lip balm on their eyelids to enhance the experience of being drunk or high. "It's the peppermint oil that's causing the burning sensation and I suppose some people think that is kind of funny," Dr. Brett Cauthen of Oklahoma City's Today Clinic said. But the trend, known as “Beezin,” could lead to inflammation in the eye, redness of the eye, or swelling. You've got to give 'em credit for being inventive, but isn't it sad that the kids feel they need to get high to begin with? Of course our parents said the same thing, didn't they?
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Did You Figure Out What It Is?
It's a bicycle. Yes, a very high-tech bicycle. It's called the ARION1, and it was developed by students at Liverpool University in England who are hoping to break the pedal-powered speed record. If you're asking, "How is the rider supposed to see where they're going?", that's a great question. See the hole if the front of the bike? That's for a camera! The rider will use the camera and a computer to navigate. Read more about it here. Ok, it's cool, but who needs all that high-tech stuff? When I was a kid we would have used a big cardboard box with a hole cut in it to accomplish the same thing. Except we would have run into parked cars and mailboxes!
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
It's Kool-Aid For Adults!
Thought all drugs that came in powdered form are illegal? Think again! Palcohol, or powdered alcohol, recently received government approval for sale and distribution. The drink mix is basically grown-up Kool-Aid. It comes in a variety of flavors, including Mojito, Lemon Drop and Cosmopolitan. Just add five ounces of water for an instant cocktail. The company says Palcohol is a convenient way to enjoy alcoholic beverages at concerts and sporting events, or any time. But there are some obvious public health and safety concerns - notably, the fact that it’s discreet and therefore easy for underage drinkers to use. Would you give this a try? Personally, I'm not sure about this. from a strictly taste standpoint, "powdered" stuff usually doesn't taste as good as the real deal, does it? And some drinks just need to be made by hand, although after a few of these you might have trouble seeing your hand!
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Michelle And Kellie On "Nashville"
First Lady Michelle Obama and Kellie Pickler will both make a guest appearance on ABC's hit drama Nashville during the episode set to air on May 7. The First Lady and country star will play themselves in the episode, which follows Connie Britton's character Rayna Jaymes as she visits Fort Campbell to organize a charity concert. Rayna is organizing the concert after she finds out that the show's character Luke Wheeler, played by Will Chase, has been injured while in Afghanistan. The episode featuring the First Lady and Pickler leads up to Nashville's Season 2 finale which is set to air on May 14. Nashville airs on Wednesdays at 10 PM ET on ABC.
Monday, April 21, 2014
What Kind Of Party?!?
Add this to the list of ridiculous pregnancy and parenting trends. Hopeful moms-to-be are now throwing “pee parties,” where they all take pregnancy tests and celebrate their results! Also known as POAS (Pee On A Stick) Parties, these gatherings allow groups of women who are hoping to get knocked up around the same time to make a usually private moment very public. So would you take part in a POAS Party? Or do you think these make a very personal thing too "social"? Drop us a line:
Friday, April 18, 2014
Creepiest Bunnies Ever!
OK, warning right up front, looking at these pictures may give you nightmares! We found some vintage photos of Easter Bunnies past, and are they ever creepy! When you were a kid, did you ever have your picture taken with any of these monstrosities?
Keep the candy, just get me outta here! Take a look at all 19 bunnies here, if you dare!
Thursday, April 17, 2014
That Oh-No Odor
When I let the dog out to relieve his bladder this morning, the distinct scent of skunk infiltrated my nostrils. Before I could prevent Bo from shooting out the door, he whisked past me. Apparently, he also caught a whiff of the noxious odor; only his reaction was to run toward it, instead of away, like me. As I shut the door, I pondered what awful situation I might be opening the door to in a few moments.
I trudged back into the bedroom and announced to my snoring husband that there was a skunk somewhere outside and Bo was on the case. My hubby mumbled back to me that there was no skunk, at least not any more. He mowed it down on Hwy 35 on his way home late last night. Delightful. So, the offending odor was effectively lodged somewhere into the undercarriage of his F150. Sweet.
It was thoughtful of him to park in the garage, where the vile smell could really be contained and enjoyed by all.
Just as I was beginning to feel better about not having to be concerned with Bo getting into a live skunk, the tables turned. When I opened the door to let him back into the house, he was licking his chops and chewing, as if he had just indulged in some delicacy. Of course under heated questioning, he clenched his jaw and gave me that not-so-innocent look of "I-didn't-eat-remnants-of-dead-skunk-off-of-the-truck!"
I shut the door and left for work, figuring anything Bo urped up could be tended to by my husband. It was after all, a by-product of his misadventures, right?
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Eye was Totally Misunderstood!
I am now plagued by headaches, due to the endless eye spasms. What started in just one eye has now spread to the other, so both of them are wreaking havoc. I've been told it is a symptom due to fatigue and dehydration. Apparently, I need more sleep and beverages. Who wouldn't want more of those things?! Unfortunately, none of us get enough sleep these days with our busy schedules. Suck it up, buttercup! However, that does nothing to help alleviate the obnoxious eye spasms that I have going on with now BOTH eyes.
This situation reached a critical point yesterday afternoon, as I met a friend for lunch. I was hoping that perhaps some spicy Chinese food might give my mind something else to focus on, instead of the twitching eyelids. The spasms were coming fast and furious. Eventually all I could do was take my middle fingers and place them on the offending part of my eyelids and apply some pressure to try to make it stop.
That was all fine and dandy, except for when the Asian server brought our food; I peered up at her, fingers still on the corners of my eyes. The look on her face was one of utter disgust. To her credit, she didn't say anything, but her gas burned through me before I realized that it appeared as if I was mocking her features and culture by pulling the sides of my eyes back with my fingers.
As she walked away, I sat there completely mortified by how the situation looked and stammered to explain loudly to my friend about my twitching eyes causing horrible headaches. She as of no help. Her laugher rained down on me like a blanket of humiliation. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to go back into that restaurant ever again.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Fashion-Forward Flip-Flops?
I've seen plenty of Hollywood types strutting about shopping in their Ugg boots. I even have a friend who splurged and plunked a pile of money down to purchase a pair of the Ugg boots for herself. She swears they are the most comfortable footwear she's ever sported. I'm not going to lie. I secretly want to buy a pair for myself, after hearing her raves.
I'm a boot lover. I can appreciate a good, comfortable pair of boots. I'm honestly a shoe lover, so for the most part, I can understand a relationship a woman has with her footwear. It's the one clothing item that always flatters and never makes you feel fat. However, I'm somewhat practical when it comes to parting with my money. Spending $100-$200 on a solid pair of boots--maybe justifiable. Spending $80 on a pair of Ugg flip flops?! I just don't know.
I'm shocked that people would spend that kind of money on a pair of what can only be described as glorified slippers. I honestly think that I would be embarrassed to wear these things. Check that. They DO look comfortable. I would be embarrassed to wear these things in public. It would be like a Muppet hitched a ride on your metatarsals. Of course, no one ever thought that yoga pants would be worn as a daily go-to staple for a wardrobe OUTSIDE of the yoga class. Maybe I'm not as fashion forward with footwear as I thought I was?
If these things take off in popularity, Casual Friday might just get a little more casual. Maybe that's not such a bad thing?
Monday, April 14, 2014
Artistry in the Making?
Have you ever watched a true artist get started on a project? It's quite amazing to watch their mind racing as they put paintbrush to canvas, or pen to paper. Invariably, there are crushed up wads of paper in the corner by the garbage can as changes are made, or the canvas morphs into something unexpected, as the artist's mind moves in a different direction.
I like to think of Mother Nature this way; as an artist. True artists leave you wondering what's coming next and then before you know it, you're staring at the most magnificent masterpiece your eyes have ever seen.
I'm holding out hope that we're in for a gorgeous spring, eventually. Mother Nature is just ruminating on her latest work of art. So, choke back the curse words for this snow we've been "blessed" with this morning. The masterpiece is yet to come. Be patient.
Friday, April 11, 2014
The Lowdown On Heartbleed
By now you’ve probably heard
about Heartbleed, the massive internet security bug that has put
pretty much everyone’s privacy at risk. Heartbleed is a hole in the
encryption software used by the majority of websites on the internet.
The bug creates an information leak that allows hackers to gain
access to people’s personal data- and researchers say it’s been
going on for as long as two years or more. So what can you do to
protect yourself? First, log out of all websites. You may want to
change your passwords too, but not until after the websites in
question have fixed the bug. Mashable has a helpful list of
the sites where you should change your password immediately, and
which are safe. Click here to check it out.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
At Last! We Can Legally Waste Time!
Why put off ‘til tomorrow something
that can be done today? Because you were born this way! That’s
right- a new study found procrastination may be genetic.
Previous research has found that people who have a tendency to
procrastinate also often behave impulsively. This new study found
those two traits may originate from the same genetic roots. It makes
sense, considering both habits likely have evolutionary implications-
back when man’s main goal was basic survival, putting off long-term
goals to satisfy immediate needs gave us an advantage. Here's more on the study. Are you a procrastinator? C'mon fess up! Drop us an email:
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Rascal Vanilli?
It's true! Rascal Flatts has
admitted to lip-syncing their hit single "Rewind" during
their performance on Sunday night's ACM Awards! Following their
performance, social media was buzzing with claims that Rascal Flatts
didn't actually sing the tune, and now the band has issued a
statement on Facebook and Twitter confirming that the song was indeed
lip-synced. Rascal Flatts' statement reads, "After having
performed several shows earlier in the week, Gary (LeVox)
lost his voice. So, instead of canceling our commitment to do the
show, we made a last minute decision to lip-sync. We've never done it
before, and we're obviously not very good at it. We look forward to
singing live again in the very near future!" The trio will get
that chance to sing live this week when they play a show in Laughlin,
Nevada on April 12.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Is This Movie Too Scary For Disney, And Therefore Your Kids?
Angelina Jolie’s latest movie Maleficent may not be the sure-fire box office hit some were expecting. The film stars Jolie as Disney’s infamous Sleeping Beauty villain and some insiders are suggesting the character may be too scary, which will cause the film to flop. Said one source, “it’s definitely in the ‘not a sure thing’ bucket.” Maleficent opens May 30th. Here's more on the story. So what do you think? Just looking at the pictures from the film, do you think it might be too scary for your kids? Drop us an email at
Monday, April 7, 2014
I love dogs. I would never want to hear of a dog suffering, particularly because of something my dog did to another one. However, I had a very interesting story unfold this weekend that has me a bit nutted up to say the least.
On Saturday, I had a visit from the Trempealeau County Sheriff's Department. According to them, while I was away from home our dog, Bo "attacked" another dog that a woman from the neighborhood was walking in the street.
I immediately refuted the accusation, because we have a Pet Stop system, which is essentially an invisible fence surrounding our property. Bo never leaves the yard. Ever.
This deputy seemed unfazed by this fact and proceeded to inform me that those systems are not 100% foolproof and are no guarantee that a dog will stay in a yard.
I asked him if he was certain that it was our dog, as we have direct neighbors who also have a black lab, with a red collar. He informed me that the woman stated, while there were two dogs of similar appearance on that street, it was the "thicker" of the two. Great! Now she's calling my dog fat too! (I'm kidding. He's seriously just big boned.)
The deputy informed me that when he drove up our driveway, Bo "charged" his vehicle and was barking viciously. I felt a thin grin of pride turn the corners of my mouth upward. I applaud Bo for that. It's what he's supposed to do when a strange vehicle enters our property. I asked the deputy when he got out of his vehicle, what Bo's demeanor was? He said he was very happy and friendly. (We taught Bo that police officers are your friends.)
I inquired with the deputy, where the alleged attack occurred. I'm still not 100% clear as to where it happened, because the initial description when the phone call started made it sound like Bo charged out into the street, but toward the end of the discussion, it sounded like it allegedly happened at the end of our driveway.
I found this quite interesting, because about seven feet back from the end of our driveway is about as far as Bo will ever go in our yard, to avoid getting a zap at the property line. I decided to test out his collar myself. I took it off of him and we walked out to the end of the driveway. When I reached that seven foot out mark, the collar began to beep quickly. Bo turned on a dime and hightailed it back to the house. I continued to walk toward the street, with two fingers on the prongs of his Pet Stop collar. I got a sharp zap that shot up to my elbow. Yep. The thing was still working.
I'm telling you, it is impossible for Bo to have left our yard. We literally have to load him up in our vehicle and DRIVE ACROSS the property line and unload him in the street to take him for a walk. He will NOT leave the yard on his own. The system works, just as you would expect it to for a dog that has lived within those parameters for about 6+ years. He's not a stupid dog, despite the goofy face he often has.
Still, I haven't heard another word about the incident--yet. And I do hope that the little dog was not seriously injured. I just don't like our dog being profiled as a degenerate that "attacked" another dog and he now has a "record" with the Trempealeau County Sheriff's Department. What is the statute of limitations on something like this anyway? The woman apparently wanted me to pay for any vet bills, if she decided to take her dog in for examination.
Which brings me to my next thought. I'm wondering if the neighborhood woman with the 10 pound Shitzu that was allegedly attacked by Bo, somehow didn't maintain control of her leash (assuming she had the dog on one) and her dog ran into our yard? It seems plausible, given the skittish nature Bo has about leaving our property. If that was the case, and her little dog is not seriously maimed, it stands to reason that it was not an "attack." Bo is nearly 100 pounds. I think he would eat a 10 pound Shitzu, if he was so inclined. Instead, I'm guessing if the two interacted, it was probably some rough play? It's hard to say.
The only thing I know for sure is that Bo did NOT leave our yard to "attack" another dog. He would leave the yard for the garbage men, before he would for a little 10 pound dog, IF he was ever able to muster up the courage to leave our yard. However, if another dog entered his yard--our property--is it our fault that there was an incident? I honestly don't know the answer to that one. Common sense would tell me that it is NOT our fault, but it would seem that common sense is becoming extinct in this world.
Friday, April 4, 2014

Sometimes I seriously think people have too much time on their hands. There is speculation that marketers of cereal are doing some heinously sinister moves by having the characters on the boxes look downward in order to "make eye contact" with kids.
While this concept has all of the makings for a great news exposé, I'm not sure that is exactly what's going on here. It just seems like a bit of a stretch to me.
Here are a couple of examples from Kellogg's:
Admittedly, the characters eyes are gazing somewhat downward, but Toucan Sam is actually looking at the cereal. Tony the Tiger could be looking at kids in the grocery store aisle, I suppose. Perhaps he's trying not to devour the sugary goodness in the giant bowl in front of him?
Here are some examples from General Mills:
Clearly, the Trix Rabbit and the Honey Nut Bee are looking downward, but that's where the cereal is located. And everyone knows that bees love honey and that Trix Rabbit never had any self-control anyway, so who can blame them?
How about Quaker Oats brands?
Again, it's pretty clear that Cap'n Crunch is eyeballing his sweet-molar-filling-deliciousness. However, the Quaker Oat guy does seem to be attempting to make obvious eye contact. Weird that kids don't seem to be clamoring for oatmeal though. Hmmm…
What are your thoughts on this whole cereal box controversy with characters allegedly making eye-contact with your kids in the grocery aisle? Drop us an email.
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