This blog is from John Stevenson and Jacklyn Daniels, the morning team on the All New KICKS 106.3 in La Crosse, WI. We can reached by e-mail us at
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Queen of the Backup
That was a title that my mother held and likely still does, only now I'm giving her a run for her money. Yes, I've become my mother. When I go to the store, I buy two of something, to ensure that when the first runs out, I still have a "backup" on hand to carry us until I can get to the store again.
This plan is quite seamless and rarely is there a hiccup, unless my husband is involved. He's not the best communicator when his toiletries run low and I don't exactly check out the levels of his stuff, as I'm generally running arse-over-tea-kettle to get myself ready in the morning.
It has come to my attention that he is out of deodorant, not that he told me or anything. I happened to notice a big ol' armpit hair on MY deodorant this morning. At first, I panicked, thinking, "My God! Have I taken this winter no-shave thing too far?!"
But then I remembered that I have been breaking down and actually running the razor over the offending areas more frequently, mostly because I don't want stray cats to begin using my legs as scratching posts.
So there I was, staring at this nasty, long hair on my deodorant from my husband's arm pit. It was then that I cursed the advertising slogan of this particular brand: Strong Enough for a Man, But Made for a Woman. Well, bravo! It doesn't mean I wanted his hairy pit to be slathered with my stick.
I went back into the bedroom and nudged his snoring body in the bed.
"Hey, I know you used my deodorant. Are you out of yours?"
A fuzzy reply, "How do you know I used it?"
"Because there was a huge pit hair on it!"
The bed began to shake with his stifled laughter. Needless to say, I will be making a trip to get him his own underarm deodorant today.
Has your husband ever "borrowed" some of your products? Did he leave them "untainted?" Share your story with us!
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