Best. Oscars. Ever.
Ellen DeGeneres absolutely killed it on the Oscars last night. I've always enjoyed her brand of comedy and especially her hosting style. She's funny and punchy, without being rude or obnoxious. Some of the highlights from last night's broadcast included her ordering pizza for the audience, then later handing it out to all of the hungry A-listers in their fancy clothes. Yes! Stars and starlets were wolfing down greasy pizza in designer duds on national television!! Ellen managed to get them to be human for all of us to see and then capped off the bit by passing Pharrell Williams' monster hat around to them to collect money to pay the delivery guy.
Probably one of the best moments occurred when Ellen decided to do a selfie (she did a ton of them throughout the evening) with Meryl Streep, which turned into a massive group selfie instead. Ellen told viewers to retweet it, so the record for retweets could be broken. Mission accomplished. The tweet reportedly was retweeted well over 1.8 million times, so much that it actually shut Twitter down momentarily!
The picture is a classic. Ellen had Bradley Cooper hold her phone and take the shot with his longer arms to attempt to get everyone in it. Personally, I pondered if Bradley deliberately cut Jared Leto out of the shot, because he had lost Best Supporting Actor to him earlier in the night. Nah. I'm sure that was just a coincidence, right?
Best. Oscars. Ever.
Ellen DeGeneres absolutely killed it on the Oscars last night. I've always enjoyed her brand of comedy and especially her hosting style. She's funny and punchy, without being rude or obnoxious. Some of the highlights from last night's broadcast included her ordering pizza for the audience, then later handing it out to all of the hungry A-listers in their fancy clothes. Yes! Stars and starlets were wolfing down greasy pizza in designer duds on national television!! Ellen managed to get them to be human for all of us to see and then capped off the bit by passing Pharrell Williams' monster hat around to them to collect money to pay the delivery guy.

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